PinnedPublished inLevel Up CodingFunctional Programming in Dart: Foundation [Part 0]In this article series, we’ll go on a journey to understand Functional Programming and apply it using Dart.Mar 4, 20221Mar 4, 20221
Published inFlutter CommunityA debugging story about 2 identical (looking) strings that weren’t so identical after all.MysteryJan 51Jan 51
Published inFlutter CommunityHigher-Order Functions & Recursion in Dart [Functional Programming — Part 5]Go the Declarative way!May 23, 20224May 23, 20224
Published inFlutter CommunityWhy dividing(/) by 0 does not throw an error in Dart — How Dart handles numbersHow does Dart handle numbers and operations while targetting so many platforms?May 3, 20222May 3, 20222
Published inLevel Up CodingImmutability & Equality in Flutter & Dart [Functional Programming — Part 4]Minimize bugs and maintain large scale applications using immutable data structures and value equality.Apr 24, 2022Apr 24, 2022
Published inLevel Up CodingComposition in Flutter & Dart [Functional Programming — Part 3]Create modular applications using composition in Flutter & Dart.Apr 5, 20221Apr 5, 20221
Published inLevel Up CodingArity, Closure, Currying, Partial Application & more in Dart [Functional Programming — Part 2]This article aims to explain functions, closures, partial application, the relation of function with a call stack, and more in Dart and…Mar 22, 20221Mar 22, 20221
Pure functions & Side effects in Dart [Functional Programming — Part 1]In this article, we’ll look at pure functions and side effects, and how they help to minimize unexpected bugs in our code.Mar 11, 20221Mar 11, 20221